Search Results for: cob
Michael Comes to Hart’s Mill
by Margret Mueller Hurricane Michael, that is! Compared with the indescribable suffering farther south, of course, we have absolutely nothing to complain about. Still, many of us were affected by this storm—too much water (on the heels of Hurricane … Continue reading
Pumphouse Drama
By Anthony Weston As all assiduous readers of this blog will know, in early September we had a dedicated workday/workshop to raise the slipstraw walls of the pumphouse. Terry, Joe, Randy, Amy, Sean, and me, all of us led by … Continue reading
Pumphouse News
by Anthony Weston For the emerging farm operation we need water! Accordingly, we drilled a well this spring — 350 feet down — and since then have been assembling the pumping and water storage system and the pumphouse that will … Continue reading
Community, the Next Frontier: Membership, Racial Equity, and Cooperation at Hart’s Mill
by Joe Cole “Community is not a place, but a way of life.” –Herbert Lovett On June 30, the Membership and Marketing Circle hosted a Last Saturday event to provide an overview of the work of the circle. We discussed … Continue reading
June Calendar of Events and May Highlights
JUNE 2018 CALENDAR and May Highlights MAY HIGHLIGHTS Activity and interest in Hart’s Mill swelled with the rains and burgeoned alongside greening plants and newborn creatures. So much goodness is sprouting, paths converging, relationships strengthening. Here are but a few … Continue reading
Thanksgiving Weekend–A Feast of Events
Thanksgiving weekend was full, varied, and enriching at Hart’s Mill! The previous weekend, Hart’s Mill had a presence at the Emerson Waldorf School’s Children’s Faire and Artisan Marketplace. Christina, Marilyn, Rita, Virginia, Charles, Anthony, and Paul greeted visitors and engaged … Continue reading
A Joyous July at Hart’s Mill
A lot happens in a month at Hart’s Mill Ecovillage! Here are the headlines from July: The July 3rd Work Day sizzled with activity—gardening, cobbing, trail building, and even excavating a seeder axel-deep in the mud(!)—followed by food for all. … Continue reading
Hot As a Firecracker–July 3 Workday
We had a lovely, but hot summer morning for our July workday. Fortunately most of the work took place in the shade. Anthony, Amy, Margret, and Donna cleared and upgraded the entire McGowen Creek trail while Paul and Jeffry made … Continue reading
Work Camp Redux: A Smashing Time
The Second Annual Memorial Day Weekend Work Camp had a lovely mix of good work — trail maintenance and building, and cobbing, mostly — with lots of great 4-year-old energy (Gaius), thunderstorms going right over our intrepid Saturday night campers, … Continue reading
Good boots and hat….
A noteworthy few days at Cob Haven…… Friday morning, Greg, Matt and Amantha showed up with a trailer load of cedar boards. Over the course of the day, a roof was framed with pine rafters and the cedar, completing the … Continue reading