Cutting Through It–Late Autumn Work Day

A small group of six stalwart Hart’s Millers and  two guests showed up on a cold dreary afternoon for our December 2nd workday. Many thanks to Doug Jones, of neighboring community Earth’s Turn, for coming out and working with us! We aim to return this generous gesture. 

He and Jeffry spruced up the perimeters of our small garden, then Jeffry led the second of our tractor workshops. Hope and her niece Clare are our newest able mowers!

Paul, Anthony, Margret, and Tain,  soon joined by Doug, Hope, and Clare, tackled clearing the overgrown field east of the pavilion. Small saplings had to be removed by hand in order to safely bush-hog there. 
Margret collected some sinewy Indian Hemp to adorn her winter wreaths.  Honorary canine member, Eya, alternated chilling nearby with dragging her leash through the underbrush to check on us.
Mid-afternoon there was a tour of the land, led by Hope. Exploratory member Link, with Hannah, and their small daughter Fern, got to see what we Hart’s Millers have been up to.   Walking on the new pond trail, we hopscotched through the creeping cedar on wooden stepping “stones” cut and placed by Jeffry and Margret.
On the way back to the Nest, we we were startled by a colorful, snake-like shape off to the side.  This is Margret’s newest painterly gift to the land.  Wait until it peers out of the undergrowth come spring. 
Around 5:00 we retired to Hart’s Nest for camaraderie and a cold beer.
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