Category Archives: Uncategorized

Open-hearted October

Open-hearted October Almanac I don’t know about you, but every year around this time, I start to feel a little … contracted. I pull my jacket a little closer around my neck and dig out my scarf from the coat … Continue reading

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Serendipitous September

Caleb gives us up-to-the-minute news from the Garden while Lucas waters a row of carrots. Carrots are finicky, he says, so maybe Lucas is offering some prayers while he waters. Serendipitous September 2024 Almanac In the latest Common Ground Ecovillage … Continue reading

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Auspicious August Almanac

Photo by Kai Auspicious August 2024 Almanac Pickles, the barn frog, knows how to stay cool in the summer. She’s a smart cookie, hanging out in the shower. May we all be so smart, because, as we know, summers aren’t … Continue reading

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Jubilant July 2024 Almanac

Jubilant July 2024 Almanac In Summer Oh, summer has clothed the earthIn a cloak from the loom of the sun!And a mantle, too, of the skies’ soft blue,And a belt where the rivers run.And now for the kiss of the … Continue reading

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Juicy June Almanac 2024

Juicy June Almanac The Sleeper By Edgar Alan Poe At midnight, in the month of June,
 I stand beneath the mystic moon.
 An opiate vapor, dewy, dim,
 Exhales from out her golden rim,
 And, softly dripping, drop by drop,
 Upon … Continue reading

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Meaningful May 2024 Almanac

Meaningful May 2024 Almanac May has come in, young May the beautiful, weaving the sweetest chaplet of the year. Along the eastern corridors, she walks. What time the clover rocks the earliest bee. Her feet are flush with sunrise, and … Continue reading

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The April Almanac Has A New Design!

Appealing April Almanac The Spring season that is taking shape all about us, that will surprise us every day to come, is the product of a winter’s long night.  It’s the outworking of our hopes and dreams.  For who among … Continue reading

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Majestic March 2024 Almanac

Majestic March 2024 Almanac Hope is … an orientation of the spirit, an orientation of the heart; it transcends the world that is immediately experienced, and is anchored somewhere beyond its horizons. Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is … Continue reading

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Fruitful February 2024 Almanc

Fruitful February 2024 Almanac Dear Friends, Spring is coming.  Though it’s yet mid-winter, Earth is waking from her winter somnolence and quickening the ever-ready forces of Nature.  Daylight, which bottomed out just six weeks ago at the Winter Solstice, is … Continue reading

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January 2024 Almanac, Year in Review

January 2024 Almanac, Year in Review Keep some room in your heart for the Unimaginable  —Mary Oliver Dear friends, It’s winter, and night outpaces the day.  Winter is a season of stillness, dormancy, and hibernation, the life force retreating within … Continue reading

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