Spread The Word

This page contains materials that can be used by community members and friends of the community alike to get the word out about this amazing project! For consistency of messaging, please take note of our recommendations.

A great way to spread the word is to like and share content from our Instagram and Facebook pages and YouTube channel with friends, family, and other social media networks.

Logo Image File

The following is an image of our logo in PNG format with transparency.

Right-click on the image, and choose “Save image as…” to download.

The Common Ground Ecovillage logo, where the sun sits in the background behind a number of homes and a large oak tree, with furrows in the foreground.

Common Ground Ecovillage logo

Branding and Messaging

The following is our official messaging. There are two versions of descriptive text, depending on intended use. Use the one that works best or a paraphrasing that retains the spirit of it.

When possible, please always include:

  • Our logo
  • Our community name: “Common Ground Ecovillage”
  • Our brand words: “Reconnect. Repair. Regenerate.”
  • Our slogan: “A justice-oriented agrarian community”
  • The words: ** An Equal Housing Opportunity Community **


If you have need for the font used in our logo and on the ad, it is called FF Clair™ (by FontFont) and is available for purchase here: https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/fontfont/ff-clair/

Heading Layout Suggestion:

Common Ground Ecovillage
Reconnect. Repair. Regenerate.
A justice-oriented agrarian community

Short Version

The status quo is simply not working – not for local ecosystems, nor the planet, nor most people. To heal what’s been broken, we’re going to have to reconnect with each other and with the natural world around us. Located on 112 acres in central North Carolina, Common Ground Ecovillage is developing a creative, joy-filled, justice-focused alternative to destructive agriculture, exploitative economics, and imbalanced relationships. Join us as we build what comes next!

Long Version

Common Ground Ecovillage is a growing intentional community with a deep commitment to both environmental and social justice. We focus on cooperative living and regenerative agriculture and forestry. Guided by the principles of sociocracy, and located on 100+ acres of meadow and woodland, our goal is to develop a space where we can provide for ourselves and our families while giving back to the land and the larger communities that sustain us.
Community celebrations, music and meals. Shared work on the land. Creativity. Opportunities to produce much of our own food, fiber, and energy. These are all part of our vision. We also recognize, however, that alongside healing the land, we must address the inequities and injustices that have limited access to land and inclusive community for far too long. (Please see our community guidelines, which include our anti-racism and inclusivity principles and intentions [4, 10, 23, 28] for more on this important work.)
Community features will include:
▪ A cooperatively-owned and compact village offering 30-45 flexible homes
▪ A common house for shared meals and celebrations
▪ 112 beautiful acres including gardens and orchard, meadows and pasture, streams and pond, and woodlands with hiking trails
▪ Less than 30 minutes from the vibrant metro areas of Durham, Chapel Hill, and Greensboro
▪ On-site renewables, efficient natural buildings, and a car-free village center
We are actively seeking new members. Please get in touch if you could see yourself as part of this shared vision.
** An Equal Housing Opportunity Community **

Ad Poster

The following ad poster appeared in the June 2022 issue of Communities Magazine. This may be copied, printed, and distributed as needed.


Coming soon.

Blurbs for Social Media

Coming soon.

Photos for Social Media

Downloadable, printable brochure. Coming soon.

Where to Share

Community-generated list of ideas. Coming soon.