May 8th Workday

It was a beautiful Mother’s day at Hart’s Mill!  In the morning we were joined by about a dozen young adults from Pickards Mountain Eco-Institute and Elon University as well as many individuals and families who were seeing the land for the first time.  After an introduction to Hart’s Mill, we took a tour on the recently completed loop trail by McGowen Creek and beyond.


After a potluck lunch at the pavilion, other members arrived and we got to work in the garden setting up tomato cages, bean poles, and laying down straw mulch.  The new (old) tractor is up and running and has been a fantastic addition to Hart’s Mill, enabling us to keep our walkways and meadows mowed.  Two of the architects from our design partner, Frank Harmon Architects, pitched in with the construction of a shelter for the tractor.  We very much appreciated their presence and participation in this wonderful day.  Finally,a few of us attended to the stands of Jacks-in-the-pulpit that were being smothered by a fallen tree.  How wonderful to see such progress being made!  Thanks to everyone who showed up and participated.






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