Memorial weekend workcamp

First of all, campers/builders have now closed up shop — partly because Tropical Depression Bonnie finally promised too much rain, but mostly because, under the meteorological gun, we actually completed our main project, which was  to finish framing and roofing the tractor shed. Already last night we celebrated by driving the tractor (“Fergie”? “35”?) into her new home, as you can see in the first photo. (There’s even a video of this!)  Kudos to Anthony, Steve, Randy, Ruthie, Paul, Rita, Amy, Donna, Carol, and Hope for their tireless work!  (Randy posted some wonderful photos on a Google site, so check them out.)



Overnight it rained, too, so this morning we also already had water in the new water tank — enough to pull off 3-4 gallons to mix the cement on one last 4×4, with lots to spare. Then this morning Rita and Ruthie and I finished the last sections of roofing in only occasional light rain and then decided to just go for it and put on the back wall too, so you can see below that Fergie is now snug as a bug in there. Eventually we will build some doors for the tractor bay on the front as well, move the other attachments under the lower roof, etc. But the basic goals are met!



Oh and PS, two-third of the wood  (all the rafters and most of the purloins) was recycled, either from Habitat Restore or from Paul’s and my scavenging adventure in CH. And there’s a lot left…

Meantime it was great to have so many people camping together on the land — it felt like the proto-community already, with a common area and house and shared cooking and meals, political discussions, walks, etc. as well as a long day or more of hard work, some of it in the very hot sun… and such productive work too!  Many thanks to Carol and Randy who set up the camp kitchen and dish-washing station among other significant contributions to the food and meal preparations.



Despite my slave-driving style, some of you were also able to walk the land, work in the garden, tend the bees, and the like, as well as prepare great a dinner last night, so it all worked out. May we do much more of this! This is community in action! And I don’t just mean the physical construction.

Many, many thanks to all who took part, then, whether for all or part of the time, and apologies to those who’d hoped to come today or tomorrow morning — we’ll plan another time soon. Enjoy the rest of the weekend… check for ticks (Randy and I ave both found (3-4)… stay dry… enjoy the curious way that this Summer is a’ comin’ in…

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