The Spring season that is taking shape all about us, that will surprise us every day to come, is the product of a winter’s long night. It’s the outworking of our hopes and dreams. For who among us has not wished – hard – for spring? And who among us has not made our mark in some way on what is soon to be born?
Hope Horton, Essay on the Vernal Equinox, 2013
With the unfurling of Spring comes a new look for the Almanac. Roshana Ariel has created an artful and inviting design to tell the evolving story of Common Ground Ecovillage with freshness, clarity and beauty. Meetings and community events follow newsletter items from our Circles and members. Roshana and Hope would like to hear your thoughts about this new format. Please email them at roshanamail@gmail.com and hopematrix@fastmail.com.
We are so grateful to Roshana for offering her seasoned publication skills in the service of this community and hope you’ll feel inspired by what you see to bring your unique gifts to this growing enterprise. May the irresistible impulse of Spring rouse you to act on your dreams and make your mark where it matters most.
See you at Common Ground