White milkweed, HM wetlands
Subscribe to the Hart’s Mill blog to read more and keep up with the latest news!
- Head’s up! Tomorrow’s June 30, work day dawns from 9-1. Pitch in on a plethora or projects and then come over to the Nest for the Last Saturday Membership and Marketing workshop from 3-6pm at Hart’s Nest. You’ll learn a lot about our membership process and how you fit into the Hart’s Mill picture. Then we’ll shift the conversation to an exploration of diversity and racial equity—key priorities for our community. Won’t you join us? There’s still time to RSVP: Amy_Halberstadt@ncsu.edu
- We have an intern for the summer! Jess Pusch is a student at Elon University majoring in Environmental and Sustainability Studies. She brings many skills and loads of passion for our vision and mission. You’ll see Jess working on the land and at Circle meetings and events. We are so grateful that she has chosen to offer her time and talents to Hart’s Mill Ecovillage!
- Anthony and Jeffry continue to mastermind–and labor to build–a pump house and an irrigation system for the farm. Anthony is brushing up his stonemason skills by crafting a circular enclosure. Jeffry is working on the mechanics, rigging up a solar-powered pump and other ingenious devices to get the water flowing. They’ve had a lot of help, too, on work days and in-between. Thanks to everyone who is pitching in—keep showing up!
- In the interests of getting started on tending to our forests, Randy contacted Mountain Works Sustainable Development in Boone, NC. He was intrigued by their approach to forest management which includes horse logging. And they were intrigued enough by Hart’s Mill’s vision and mission that Ian and Brett came to visit for the day, walking the land and spending the night at Hart’s Nest. We made a good connection with this synergistic group and look forward to an evolving relationship.
- Governance & Training Circle offered advanced training for our leadership to provide education and support for our extremely busy team.
- Our Summer Solstice Third Thursday evening opened with a duo juggling act and concluded with a play reading of Shakespeare’s Midsummer Nights dream. It was a hoot! Read all about it here.
Note: Our Functional Circle ongoing meeting schedule has changed significantly. Review the calendar carefully. New members and observers are welcome—please RSVP!
Please note: the July 8th birthday party for Hart’s Nest has been postponed to September 22. Save the date!
Exhibition of Botanical Art by Margret Mueller
The Museum of Life and Science, Durham
Watercolor paintings by HM member Margret Mueller will be on display during all of June and July in the gallery space at the entrance to the butterfly House. Margret will donate 10% of all sales to the museum.
SUNDAY, JULY 1, 3:00-4:30pm
Land Stewardship Circle
Hart’s Nest, 1625 Ben Jones Dr., Mebane, NC 27302 (one-way road; drive SLOWLY)
RSVP Jeffry: seeingstarsfarm@gmail.com
WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 10am to 2pm
SATURDAY, July 7, 2pm to 6pm (+ tear-down)
Festival for the Eno
Come help us get the word out about Hart’s Mill Ecovillage! We’ll have a table set up and will be making “seed bombs” with kids to take home and spread the milkweed magic. The festival includes arts, crafts, food, and entertainment galore. We’re looking for folks to take 2-hour or 4-hour slots and then you’ll be free to enjoy the festival for the rest of the time! Some free tickets are available.
CONTACT AMY as soon as possible: Amy_Halberstadt@ncsu.edu
THURSDAY, JULY 5, 6:30-9:00pm
Membership & Marketing Circle
Amy/Anthony home, 2702 Spencer St., Durham
RSVP Amy: Amy_Halberstadt@ncsu.edu
Hart’s Nest Birthday Party
Save the date: September 22nd (Fall Equinox)
RSVP Hope: hopematrix@fastmail.com
SUNDAY, JULY 8, 7:00-8:30pm
Planning, Design, and Development Circle
Via Zoom Teleconference—RSVP for link
RSVP Anthony: Weston@elon.edu
THURSDAY, JULY 12, 6:30-9:00pm
Financial & Legal Circle, 6:30-9:00pm
Hart’s Nest, 1625 Ben Jones Dr., Mebane, NC 27302 (one-way road; drive SLOWLY)
RSVP Paul: voss@hawkweed.net
FRIDAY, JULY 13, 3:00-5:00pm
Governance & Training Circle
Hart’s Nest, 1625 Ben Jones Dr., Mebane, NC 27302 (one-way road; drive SLOWLY)
RSVP Hope: hopematrix@fastmail.com
SUNDAY, JULY 15, 7:00-8:30pm
Planning, Design, and Development Circle
This is a dinner meeting. Open to PDD members only. Location TBA
RSVP Anthony: Weston@elon.edu
THIRD THURSDAY, JULY 19, 7:00-9:00-ish pm
*CHANGED* Star Night on the land..Well, actually Solar System night: it’ll be the Moon and possibly all five visible planets (Mars only visible after about 10, Mercury at dusk hopefully). Jeffry may bring his telescope too. However, Star Night is assuming that the night is clear enough, and right now the forecast is 50% cloud cover, which might or might to be OK depending on if it is just generally hazy or if the clouds kinda pass through. We’ll just have to wait and see! If you are interested, an RSVP would be nice, but in any case call me at dusk before coming: 919-353-8218. Bring flashlight. Park in the regular parking area and walk over towards the farm fields. RSVP to Anthony: Weston@elon.edu
WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 7:00-8:30 pm
Compassionate Connection, presented by HM Member, Marilyn Grubbs, and Farrunnissa Rosa
Unity Center of Peace, 8800 Seawell School Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Education and practice session in the body of work developed by Marshall Rosenberg, originally called Non-violent Communication (NVC). $10 suggested donation.
RSVP Marilyn: marilyngrubbs@gmail.com
General Circle Meeting
Amy/Anthony home, 2702 Spencer St., Durham
Vegetarian potluck: 6:00-ish
Meeting: 7:00-9:30 pm
RSVP Hope: hopematrix@fastmail.com
Dancing with Conflict—Presented by the Governance & Training Circle
Hart’s Nest, 1625 Ben Jones Dr., Mebane, NC 27302 (one-way road; drive SLOWLY)
CONFLICT is a natural part of being human. It’s not only unavoidable, but somewhat desirable. (What!?!?!?) Please join us as we all polish our skills together so that when conflict shows its face, we know how to say “Welcome!” For fun, later that night we’ll go DANCING (actual dancing!), 10:00pm, Tandem Restaurant (Carrboro). 70’s to today’s music. A hoot! Free admission. Please join us for this part even if you cannot attend the workshop. We’d love to chill and goof around with you! If you’d like overnight accommodations, please talk to María.
Please RSVP to Maria, so that we can set a comfortable space for all: mariastawsky@gmail.com
LAST SUNDAY, JULY 29, 6:00-8:30pm
Planning, Design, and Development Circle
Via Zoom Teleconference—RSVP for link
RSVP Anthony: Weston@elon.edu
SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 9:00am-1pm
Work Day on the land
Stay tuned for more details on what’s popping and hopping.
RSVP Jeffry: seeingstarsfarm@gmail.com
Labor Day Work Camp
Meet on Friday evening to camp out, ready to get going on Saturday and Sunday from 9-1. Camp out Saturday night, too! You are welcome to attend all or a part of this event.
RSVP Jeffry: seeingstarsfarm@gmail.com
You are encouraged to submit events for next month’s update that align with Hart’s Mill’s vision, mission, and aims. Send them by the 25th of the month to Hope at hopematrix@fastmail.com.
RACIAL EQUITY INSTITUTE TRAINING, sponsored by Organizing Against Racism (OAR)
We strongly recommend these 2-day trainings as a way to begin a shared conversation about racism and social/environmental justice at Hart’s Mill. Click here to read Geri’s post about attending Phase 1 on January 23rd. They fill up fast! Check the OAR website (OARalliance.org) for details and registration for these upcoming workshops and more:
- July 13-14, Phase 1, Northern Orange County
- July 16-17, YOUTH REI Phase 1, Durham
- July 20-21, YOUTH REI Phase 1, Raleigh
TUESDAY, JULY 10 & 24, 9:00am-3pm
The Elderhood Journey
Eco-Institute at Pickards Mountain, 8519 Pickards Meadow Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
A SERIES GUIDED BY CAROLYN TOBEN & MIKE MCLEOD: Calling Elders, and people of all ages who are interested in the powerful role of elders in community! As a group we will discover new horizons for how to live more aware in the latter third of life. We are reimagining a special role in our community and we are exploring what the inspiration of elderhood is asking of each of us. We each have some of the answers that we need at this time in the world, and through this collective journey, we will bring them together. This is an invitation to participate in an exploration of conscious aging, engage in a community building process, and explore what it means to be an elder.
Learn More >>
Life Design Weekend
Eco-Institute at Pickards Mountain, 8519 Pickards Meadow Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
CLARIFY YOUR PURPOSE: Do you long for a future that inspires you? Are you stuck, confused or curious about your next steps? Would you like to learn best practices for self-organization, motivation, and direction? Discover the tools to turn your dreams into action. This is a weekend experience that will inspire and catalyze your next steps in life. Create a clear vision of what kind of life you want to create going forward. Learn practical, hands-on strategies that help you to envision life in a fresh new way. Discover your unique expression and purpose in life. Gain insight into the patterns and meanings behind your life experiences. Define personal needs and values that will help to create new potential pathways for your future.
Learn More >>
DOING OUR OWN WORK: An Anti-Racism Seminar for White People
Resource Center for Women and Ministry in the South
Part 1: September 6, 7, 8, 9 – Pilgrim United Church of Christ, Durham, NC
Part 2: October 11, 12, 13, 14 – Trinity Ave Presbyterian Church, Durham, NC
Thurs. evening, 9-5 on Friday, 9-5 on Saturday, and 1-5:00 Sunday afternoon
Doing Our Own Work is an intensive seminar for white people who seek to deepen their commitment to confronting white privilege and challenging racism in all its forms. Offering more than 40 hours of “class time,” Doing Our Own Work equips participants with the analysis, skills, and tools needed to be more effective anti-racist allies. By limiting enrollment to 16 people, this seminar provides a context for in-depth reflection, learning and dialogue as participants work to deepen their knowledge of systemic racism, offer each other support and accountability, grow beyond shame and guilt, and practice the skills of interrupting racism.
Leader: Melanie Morrison
Cost: $475. Scholarships available. Click HERE to register.
Contact: RCWMS, 919-683-1236, rcwmsnc@aol.com