Summer Solstice workday and celebration

What a perfectly WONDERFUL & FUN day on the land!! Thanks to all who participated, and a very big THANK YOU to Anthony for designing and supervising the erecting of our first community structure on the land: “Cedar Pavilion”.

pavilionWe worked hard, undeterred & refreshed by the occasional and welcomed light mist & rain. As the day progressed the sun insisted on celebrating its day, and the night brought us a perfect full moon. What could be better?!

Participants: Anthony, Amy, Ruthie, Katy, Buck, James, Ashley, Marianne, Catherine, Wren, Gregory, Hope & Paul. A big CHEER for each of you!

1) Cedar Pavilion – almost finished. Wow! What a perfect tangible beginning for Hart’s Mill.
2) Tall grass whacking & mowing – just enough to walk some places with ease.
3) Garden (weeding & harvesting)
4) Moving of rain barrels
5) Shared dinner

6) Summer Solstice celebration (fire at the fire circle, personal reflections & sharing, Summer Solstice quiz)
7) Sleep over (well… for Anthony, as he spent the night in a hammock reflecting on his beautiful creation).

Another workday in the works for sure. Date to be determined. Please stay tuned!


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