Baby box turtle, HM wetlands
JUNE 2018 CALENDAR and May Highlights
Activity and interest in Hart’s Mill swelled with the rains and burgeoned alongside greening plants and newborn creatures. So much goodness is sprouting, paths converging, relationships strengthening. Here are but a few of the fertile stories from the past month:
- Our development team welcomed Jonathan Lucas of What on Earth Architectureto visit the land and grasp the depth and breadth of the Hart’s Mill vision and aims. We’re now awaiting sketches that will outwork and illuminate our principles and intentions through harmonious home designs.
- The Financial & Legal team intrigued 28 people at Hart’s Nest with an overview of the economic infrastructure needed to undergird our community’s development. How can we finance the dream of the regenerative, creative community that we’ve been carefully creating for 10 years and that wants to manifest now? We’re so grateful for all who cogently presented and for all who showed up for this crucial conversation. We also made significant progress towards our goal of raising $150K by autumn to complete our pre-development activities. Read a more detailed account with a link to presentation slides in our blog.
- The Governance & Training Circle offered our bi-annual introduction to culture change through cooperative skills development and sociocracy. It was a powerful experience of building awareness and skills to move from competitive to collaborative community living at Hart’s Mill. SAVE THE DATE for the next training, October 12-13 (Friday evening, Saturday morning).
- The Cob Haven maven, Greg Allen, welcomed a group of us to visit his Mud Dauber School campus in Snowcamp. We are so fortunate to have a local expert in the science, craft, and art of earthen building. Turns out that there are many methods and options for combining clay under our feet, straw in local fields, wood from forests, and other earth-friendly materials into graceful, lasting, and cozy dwellings of all sorts. We learned a lot and are very grateful to Greg for sharing his time and expertise with us.
- Have you visited the land lately? So many gifts emerging from the soils, winging through the skies, moving on the ground; nations of wildflowers, abundant crops, verdant pastures, flourishing wetlands, and towering trees await you. Feel free to park at Hart’s Nest and take a stroll—just give Hope or Paul a heads-up.
Note: Our Functional Circle ongoing meeting schedule has changed significantly. Review the calendar carefully. New members and observers are welcome—please RSVP!
Exhibition of Botanical Art by Margret Mueller
The Museum of Life and Science, Durham
Watercolor paintings by HM member Margret Mueller will be on display during all of June and July in the gallery space at the entrance to the butterfly House. Margret will donate 10% of all sales to the museum.
SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 3:00-4:30pm
Land Stewardship Circle
Hart’s Nest, 1625 Ben Jones Dr., Mebane, NC 27302 (one-way road; drive SLOWLY)
RSVP Jeffry: seeingstarsfarm@gmail.com
THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 6:30-9:00pm
Membership & Marketing Circle
Amy/Anthony home, 2702 Spencer St., Durham
RSVP Amy: Amy_Halberstadt@ncsu.edu
FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 3:00-5:00pm
Governance & Training Circle
Hart’s Nest, 1625 Ben Jones Dr., Mebane, NC 27302 (one-way road; drive SLOWLY)
RSVP Hope: hopematrix@fastmail.com
SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 7:00-8:30pm
Planning, Design, and Development Circle
Via Zoom Teleconference—RSVP for link
RSVP Anthony: Weston@elon.edu
THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 6:30-9:00pm
Financial & Legal Circle, 6:30-9:00pm
Hart’s Nest, 1625 Ben Jones Dr., Mebane, NC 27302 (one-way road; drive SLOWLY)
RSVP Paul: voss@hawkweed.net
SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 7:00-8:30pm
Planning, Design, and Development Circle
Via Zoom Teleconference—RSVP for link
RSVP Anthony: Weston@elon.edu
THIRD THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 6:00-ish to 9:30-ish pm
*SUMMER SOLSTICE* Midsummer comedy and frolics at the Nest!
Hart’s Nest, 1625 Ben Jones Dr., Mebane, NC 27302 (one-way road; drive SLOWLY) RSVP Hope: hopematrix@fastmail.com
Ready for some Midsummer magic? Come together in the gloaming of this Summer Solstice eve. In addition to outdoor frolics, we’ll enjoy yummy food followed by a collective reading of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (shortened version) which will last about an hour. This is an Anthony/Amy household tradition, and it’s a BLAST! No need to prepare in advance and no talent required; just show up and get ready to spin this enchanting yarn together. Want to play a role? Got one in mind? Let me know with your RSVP. Invite your family and friends–there are roles for kids. The more the merrier!
Food/drink: potluck–bring your favorite summer dish (all cuisines welcome) to pass and a beverage of your choice (you can grill something at the fire circle if you wish)
Frolics: in addition to the play, there’s likely to be badminton and frisbees–also quite possibly juggling! Costumes and fascinators are welcome.
It’s going to be charming, but only if you are there — see you at the Nest!
SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2:00-5:00pm
Training for Our Leaders: Running Effective Meetings
Hart’s Nest, 1625 Ben Jones Dr., Mebane, NC 27302 (one-way road; drive SLOWLY)
This afternoon will include a piece on How to Run an Effective Meeting, which will be aimed at newbies and old-timers alike!
RSVP is critical to Hope: hopematrix@fastmail.com
LAST SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 6:00-8:30pm
Planning, Design, and Development Circle
This is a dinner meeting. Open to PDD members only. Location TBA
RSVP Anthony: Weston@elon.edu
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 7:00-8:30 pm
Compassionate Connection, presented by HM Member, Marilyn Grubbs, and Farrunnissa Rosa
Unity Center of Peace, 8800 Seawell School Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Education and practice session in the body of work developed by Marshall Rosenberg, originally called Non-violent Communication (NVC). $10 suggested donation.
RSVP Marilyn: marilyngrubbs@gmail.com
General Circle Meeting
Amy/Anthony home, 2702 Spencer St., Durham
Vegetarian potluck: 6:00-ish
Meeting: 7:00-9:30 pm
RSVP Hope: hopematrix@fastmail.com
Human Community: The Next Frontier
Presented by the Membership & Marketing Circle
Hart’s Nest, 1625 Ben Jones Dr., Mebane, NC 27302 (one-way road; drive SLOWLY)
The vitality and health of a community is nourished by its members. What are the guideposts we’ve put in place to build a membership in tune with our vision to live in harmony with each other and the land? How does our commitment to racial and environmental justice and diversity inform who we are and what we do? What are the challenges and opportunities ahead as we seek to grow to full strength and inhabit the ecovillage? Come and learn about how the Membership & Marketing Circle is building strong foundations for community sustainability and resilience, and discover how YOU fit in this picture.
RSVP is crucial to Amy: Amy_Halberstadt@NCSU.edu
*SAVE THE DATE* SATURDAY, JULY 8, 2018, 1:00-9:00PM
Hart’s Nest celebrates one year of cultivating community!
We’re throwing a “spa day” to rejuvenate the Nest followed by a party to honor all that she has made possible for our growing community. Details to follow soon!
You are encouraged to submit events for next month’s update that align with Hart’s Mill’s vision, mission, and aims. Send them by the 25th of the month to Hope at hopematrix@fastmail.com.
RACIAL EQUITY INSTITUTE TRAINING, sponsored by Organizing Against Racism (OAR)
We strongly recommend these 2-day trainings as a way to begin a shared conversation about racism and social/environmental justice at Hart’s Mill. Click here to read Geri’s post about attending Phase 1 on January 23rd. They fill up fast! Check the OAR website(OARalliance.org) for details and registration for these upcoming workshops and more:
- June 15-16, Phase 1, Moncure
- June 21-22, Phase 1, Durham
SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 9:00AM-12:30PM
Earth’s Turn Community Work Day
2119 Doe Run Rd., Mebane
Come out and support our sister community right down the road. Projects include harvesting potatoes, pulling tires and metal out of the woods, and starting a permaculture rain garden. Come for as short or as long as you like.
Contact Tami at tamitw@earthlink.net, 314-604-5736
Maya/Sufi Journey
Hart’s Nest, 1625 Ben Jones Dr., Mebane, NC 27302 (one-way road; drive SLOWLY)
Join Sofianna (Sue-Anne) for a Maya/Sufi journey. You will learn about the Sacred Mayan spiritual calendar, the Tzolkin, and the 20 Nawales, which are the guiding energies for each day, and how to integrate them into your spiritual path. We will also integrate some Sufi wisdom and practices with this Maya wisdom. After the workshop you are free to enjoy the grounds at Hart’s Mill. There is no cost for this, but a donation will be gladly accepted. For more information email Sofianna at beauxzoe1@gmail.com.
RSVP to Hart’s Mill co-sponsor Marilyn Grubbs: marilyngrubbs@gmail.com for directions or information about the venue.
Heart-Based Environmental Educators Training
Eco-Institute at Pickards Mountain, 8519 Pickards Meadow Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Does your heart open while you’re outside with children? Would you like to discover how you can follow your heart’s calling to work with children as teacher, parent, or counselor? Do you want to develop the skills to inspire natural curiosity and wonder in the people around you? We have created a 4-day training program to empower you to take the next steps in the heartfelt path of teaching and learning. The Heart-Based Environmental Educators Training also qualifies for 20 hours of Criteria II towards the NC Environmental Education Certification.
Learn More >>
FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 6-9pm
Triangle Traditional Music and Dance Retirement Society
Community Church of Chapel Hill
We will be presenting the key elements in our roadmap for the creation of our community. Info at dancingintoretirementnc.org
The Elderhood Journey
Eco-Institute at Pickards Mountain, 8519 Pickards Meadow Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
A SERIES GUIDED BY CAROLYN TOBEN & MIKE MCLEOD: Calling Elders, and people of all ages who are interested in the powerful role of elders in community! As a group we will discover new horizons for how to live more aware in the latter third of life. We are reimagining a special role in our community and we are exploring what the inspiration of elderhood is asking of each of us. We each have some of the answers that we need at this time in the world, and through this collective journey, we will bring them together. This is an invitation to participate in an exploration of conscious aging, engage in a community building process, and explore what it means to be an elder.
Learn More >>
DOING OUR OWN WORK: An Anti-Racism Seminar for White People
Resource Center for Women and Ministry in the South
Part 1: September 6, 7, 8, 9 – Pilgrim United Church of Christ, Durham, NC
Part 2: October 11, 12, 13, 14 – Trinity Ave Presbyterian Church, Durham, NC
Thurs. evening, 9-5 on Friday, 9-5 on Saturday, and 1-5:00 Sunday afternoon
Doing Our Own Work is an intensive seminar for white people who seek to deepen their commitment to confronting white privilege and challenging racism in all its forms. Offering more than 40 hours of “class time,” Doing Our Own Work equips participants with the analysis, skills, and tools needed to be more effective anti-racist allies. By limiting enrollment to 16 people, this seminar provides a context for in-depth reflection, learning and dialogue as participants work to deepen their knowledge of systemic racism, offer each other support and accountability, grow beyond shame and guilt, and practice the skills of interrupting racism.
Leader: Melanie Morrison
Cost: $475. Scholarships available. Click HERE to register.
Contact: RCWMS, 919-683-1236, rcwmsnc@aol.com