Indian pipe, McGowan Creek trail
Subscribe to the Hart’s Mill blog to read more and keep up with the latest news!
- We have a fully functioning solar-powered well pump! Thanks to Jeffry’s hard work, acquired engineering skills, and much ingenuity and problem-solving, we now can pump water from the well into a 1500-gallon Cistern and along drip lines into the farm field. This is a major accomplishment! Anthony is hard at work master-minding and building a one-of-a-kind pump house. Come to the land and take a look!
- Thanks to Membership & Marketing, Hart’s Mill had a presence at the Festival for the Eno on July 4&7. Marilyn and Victoria prepared a “seed bomb” activity to enable kids to take home and plant a clay ball infused with milkweed seeds. Margret provided “eye candy”—beautiful greeting cards that she has produced with her own exquisite artwork—and they made an enticing display. It was a great opportunity to get the word out about our Ecovillage, network with other communities in the area, and talk with many interesting—and interested!—people. Special thanks to Amy for coordinating this even
- The Governance & Training Circle Last Saturday: Three communities gathered in circle at Hart’s Nest to look closely at Hart’s Mill adopted Conflict Policy and the top-secret attitudes, approaches, and facilitation hints that make it work. Thank you to Blue Heron and Elderberry for joining us as we all shared our successes and failures in community living. Special thanks to Joe Cole and Maria Silvia for collaborating with Governance & Training in this offer to the larger community.
Note: All events are open to everyone unless noted otherwise, and Zoom teleconferencing is also available for Circle meetings—but RSVP is necessary!
THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 6:30-9:00pm
Membership & Marketing Circle
Chapel Hill
RSVP Joe: drjoecole@gmail.com
SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 9:00am-2pm
Work Day on the land
We’ll gather at 9am at the Pavillion. A major project will be cleaning up our Frazier Rd. entrance. This involves come mowing and weeding, clearing the roadsides with weed whackers and loppers, and some gate mending. Other possible work projects include further pump house construction, trail maintenance, pasture mowing, and trash removal. work will end about 1pm, when we will gather at the Pavillion for lunch. Bring some food to share! We’ll conclude about 2pm. In addition: Tours for new members and other people who want to see the land in more depth start at 11am at the Pavillion (RSVP required to Paul: voss@hawkweed.net) Anthony will coordinate a camping option the night before (Saturday night to Sunday morning) for folks who are intersted (contact Anthony for details: weston@elon.edu)
RSVP Jeffry: seeingstarsfarm@gmail.com
SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2:00-4:00pm
Land Stewardship Circle
RSVP Jeffry: seeingstarsfarm@gmail.com
SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 7:00-8:30pm
Planning, Design, and Development Circle
Via Zoom Teleconference—RSVP for link
RSVP Anthony: Weston@elon.edu
THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 6:30-9:00pm
Financial & Legal Circle
RSVP Geri: glaplaca@earthlink.net
SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, 6:00-8:30pm
Planning, Design, and Development Circle
This is a dinner meeting. Open to PDD members only. Location TBA
RSVP Anthony: Weston@elon.edu
THIRD THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 7:00-9:30-ish pm
Potluck and Sharing Circle
***Child Care available upon request***
We’ll eat together (potluck) while we sit in a Sharing Circle -a bit more informal than the ones we’ve done in the past. While still honoring Talking Stick and No-crosstalk protocol, this sharing will have no topic attached, latecomers are welcome, and we’ll eat while we talk (OK -not exactly at the same time). RSVP María: mariastawsky@gmail.com
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 7:00-8:30 pm
Compassionate Connection, presented by HM Member, Marilyn Grubbs, and Farrunnissa Rosa
Unity Center of Peace, 8800 Seawell School Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Education and practice session in the body of work developed by Marshall Rosenberg, originally called Non-violent Communication (NVC). $10 suggested donation.
RSVP Marilyn: marilyngrubbs@gmail.com
General Circle Meeting
Potluck: 6:00-ish
Meeting: 7:00-9:30 pm
RSVP Hope: hopematrix@fastmail.com
***Child Care available upon request***
Q&A session on All Things Hart’s Mill —Presented by the Membership & Marketing Circle
RSVP for details: María Silvia at mariastawsky@gmail.com
***Childcare & overnight accommodations available upon request***
Especially targeted for our newest members and for those of you who are curious about Hart’s Mill, come and ask your questions! Representatives from our Functional Circles will share what they know well and what they are learning, as Hart’s Mill becomes the reality we are trying to manifest. For fun, later that night we’ll go DANCING, 10:00pm, Tandem Restaurant (Carrboro). 70’s to today’s music. A hoot! Free admission. Please join us for this part even if you cannot attend the Q&A. We’d love to chill and goof around with you!
LAST SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 7:00-8:30pm
Planning, Design, and Development Circle
Via Zoom Teleconference—RSVP for link
RSVP Anthony: Weston@elon.edu
TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 4:00-6:00pm
Governance & Training Circle
RSVP Maria: mariastawsky@gmail.com
***Child Care available upon request***
Labor Day Work Camp
Hart’s Mill land
Meet on Friday evening to camp out, ready to get going on Saturday and Sunday from 9-1. Camp out Saturday night, too! You are welcome to attend all or a part of this event.
RSVP Jeffry: seeingstarsfarm@gmail.com
*Save the Date* SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 3-6pm
Hart’s Nest Birthday and Autumnal Equinox Celebration
Stay tuned for details!
You are encouraged to submit events for next month’s update that align with Hart’s Mill’s vision, mission, and aims. Send them by the 25th of the month to Hope at hopematrix@fastmail.com.
RACIAL EQUITY INSTITUTE TRAINING, sponsored by Organizing Against Racism (OAR)
We strongly recommend these 2-day trainings as a way to begin a shared conversation about racism and social/environmental justice at Hart’s Mill. Click here to read Geri’s post about attending Phase 1 on January 23rd. They fill up fast! Check the OAR website(OARalliance.org) for details and registration for these upcoming workshops and more:
- August 4-5, YOUTH REI Phase 1, Chapel Hill
- August 6-7, Phase 1, Durham
- August 4-5, YOUTH REI Phase 1, Durham
- August 18-19, Phase II, Raleigh
- September 10-11, Phase 1, Chapel Hill
- September 14-15, Phase 1, Durham
- Sepbember 27-28, Phase 1, Raleigh
Life Design Weekend
Eco-Institute at Pickards Mountain, 8519 Pickards Meadow Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
CLARIFY YOUR PURPOSE: Do you long for a future that inspires you? Are you stuck, confused or curious about your next steps? Would you like to learn best practices for self-organization, motivation, and direction? Discover the tools to turn your dreams into action. This is a weekend experience that will inspire and catalyze your next steps in life. Create a clear vision of what kind of life you want to create going forward. Learn practical, hands-on strategies that help you to envision life in a fresh new way. Discover your unique expression and purpose in life. Gain insight into the patterns and meanings behind your life experiences. Define personal needs and values that will help to create new potential pathways for your future.
Learn More >>
DOING OUR OWN WORK: An Anti-Racism Seminar for White People
Resource Center for Women and Ministry in the South
Part 1: September 6, 7, 8, 9 – Pilgrim United Church of Christ, Durham, NC
Part 2: October 11, 12, 13, 14 – Trinity Ave Presbyterian Church, Durham, NC
Thurs. evening, 9-5 on Friday, 9-5 on Saturday, and 1-5:00 Sunday afternoon
Doing Our Own Work is an intensive seminar for white people who seek to deepen their commitment to confronting white privilege and challenging racism in all its forms. Offering more than 40 hours of “class time,” Doing Our Own Work equips participants with the analysis, skills, and tools needed to be more effective anti-racist allies. By limiting enrollment to 16 people, this seminar provides a context for in-depth reflection, learning and dialogue as participants work to deepen their knowledge of systemic racism, offer each other support and accountability, grow beyond shame and guilt, and practice the skills of interrupting racism.
Leader: Melanie Morrison
Cost: $475. Scholarships available. Click HERE to register.
Contact: RCWMS, 919-683-1236, rcwmsnc@aol.com