September Calendar/Newsletter, 2021

An abundance of Ringless Honey mushrooms (photo by Jessica Cudney)








Dear friends, 

This month, I’ve been braking for mushrooms.  Since the hard rain a bit ago, the steamy ground has expelled fungi, shooting up all around.  In contrast, human events were few and far between as many Common Grounders took a collective exhale to rest and recharge.  Still, there’s plenty to see and say  and know in the Calendar & Newsletter.*  We hope you’ll be inspired to take a look, save some dates, and turn out in September as you are able.
STARTING WITH…the weekend events on the land this weekend, September 4 & 5.  Want to learn about biochar?  Now’s your chance.  Better yet, come around to connect with others and turn your hand at whatever beckons.  Maybe find a quiet spot in the woods by the creek and breathe in the timeless peace all around.  Wendell Berry puts it far more lyrically:

Sabbatha VI
Sit and be still until the
time of no rain you hear
beneath the dry wind’s
commotion in the trees the
sound of flowing water
among the rocks, a stream
unheard before, and you are
where breathing is a prayer.

Wishing you beauty unfurling all around,
Hope, for Common Ground Ecovillage


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